Friday, December 15, 2006

bla bla bla

This is all you see!!
Is it?
I have learnt that life can be hard on you only if you let it... a friend once said "live your life dont let life live for you". You know what he is right! I find myself everyday in an ironic situation trying to figure out what I'm going to do with my life, and only recently i figured that I am not going to waiste my time thinking on how should I waiste it but simply enjoy waisting it, because life is short and I dont know what will happen next. So while I am on the "knowing side", which is right now... I guess I should make the most out of it.
You might be thinking that I'm full of nonsence because I'm waisting my time on nothing, think again. While you think this is a waiste of time, for me it's the complete oposit, because I prefer to write what I'm feeling rather than lie in bed trying to fall asleep.
Now I know that not everyone has the same form of expression, but I strongly believe that everyone has the same desire: HAPPINESS.
Now that brings me to my question, one that i think everyone would love an answer. What does it take to be happy?
I'm trying to find out, and believe it or not I don't think I'll ever get to an agreement with myself because everyday I find different answers.
But then i think to myself: "why the need to find these answers? Is it because I'm sad? If I'm sad, why am i sad?". And realise that the only way I'll ever be happy is just not trying to be happy, and by not trying to be happy i forget I'm sad, and if I forget I'm sad i would just be happy because its the oposit of sad.
And by writing this great big mess full of nonsence i just figured that i shouldn't have bothered and just played the song "Don't Worry be Happy".
don't forget the key to happiness is in you!!


Blogger jose said...

ta fixe fabi, continua a escrever estes poemas para eu ler, gosto muito deles prinsipalmente a que didicaste para a mae. life is a bith but we mast be stronge and continue living our lives fiting for what mom wanted for us, to be a femely that can be happy and never fite, so we soud all try and make mom proud. be strong and fite for happynes. love you

10:06 PM  
Blogger fabi said...

what once was will never be,
but we can be winners!
all that we need what's
given to us.
you allways pay a price!
but as long as you can use it!
thats all you need.
as long as we are glood 2gether.

6:55 AM  

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